Read these 6 Hemorrhoid Pain Relief Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pain Relief tips and hundreds of other topics.
The simplest remedy for hemorrhoids is to avoid getting them in the first place. But sometimes that is outside of your control, and there's no denying it--they're truly a pain in the butt. Treating hemorrhoids is possible and, with diligence, you may be able to permanently alleviate your problem.
There are several approaches to hemorrhoid treatment, and the severity of the problem dictates which is the best choice. In mild cases, simple changes in your diet and bowel habits may do the trick. Diets high in fiber will increase the regularity of your bowel movements, preventing the buildup of too much pressure, which can stress volatile hemorrhoidal tissue. Stool softeners are also effective for easing the passage of waste through the tender and vulnerable area.
Medical intervention offers several options, with hemorrhoidectomy (surgical removal) being the last resort. Fixative procedures are non-surgical methods of treatment designed to alleviate the pressure on swollen tissue and toughen up the area around the anus, thereby reducing the possibility of additional lesions forming. Examples include:
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are bulging external veins in the rectum or anus than cause painful discomfort in the buttocks. Whether internal or external, hemorrhoids are definitely not a popular topic of discussion. Nevertheless, according to the National Institute of Health, more than half of individuals over 50 in the US have hemorrhoids. Generally speaking, hemorrhoids are not critically harmful to the body, but can cause pain for long periods of time. External hemorrhoid symptoms are caused by increased pressure in the external veins, which may be brought on by the onset of risk factors such as obesity, aging, and pregnancy.
Unlike internal hemorrhoids, which usually occur without pain, external hemorrhoids can be extremely painful. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids are worsened from draining, rubbing, or cleaning the anus.
If you are experiencing pain or other symptoms of this sort, consult a physician for a diagnosis.
There's an old science adage that says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This applies in physics and physiology, relationships and street fights, and in the body when it comes to hemorrhoids. Think of hemorrhoidal tissue as a series of tiny balloons. When balloons get blown up, there is tension on the external surface created by the internal pressure. As that pressure increases, so does the tension. And if it gets too great, the balloon pops. When pressure is created internally in the area of the rectum and anus, the veins known as hemorrhoids begin to blow up. But they aren't really meant to do that, so they get irritated and painful. What types of pressure are most likely to cause symptoms of hemorrhoids?
Since the tiny veins in the anus and rectum are vulnerable to pressure and tension from the abdominal cavity downward, avoiding positions or actions that increase that pressure is the easiest remedy for hemorrhoids. Too much standing, for example, increases the gravitational or downward pressure on the lower intestine, which in turn magnifies the pressure within the veins lining the end of it (i.e., the anus). The result: hemorrhoid symptoms increase. Sitting for extended periods can also create a rise in pressure that may exacerbate hemorrhoidal discomfort. A seated position allows the internal organs of the abdominal cavity to sort of spread out and settle downward; as a result, the lowest man on the totem pole, so to speak, has to take all the pressure. And that's the rectal area.
Aside from positional difficulties, internal pressure affecting hemorrhoidal tissue can be increased as a result of constipation. A buildup of stool in the colon presses down on the rectum and definitely aggravates hemorrhoid symptoms. By the same token, exerting a lot of pressure to perform a bowel movement will also increase that pressure. One way to reduce pressure on irritated hemorrhoidal structures is to follow a diet that will "keep things moving," and gently. For example, drinking a lot of fluids and consuming a diet high in fiber can regulate bowel habits and reduce the need for exerting pressure in order to pass stool.
As your pregnancy advances, it is not uncommon to experience hemorrhoids regularly. As the growing uterus puts pressure on your veins, blood flow will slow in the lower half of your body. As a result, the veins begin to force the blood by increasing pressure, which in turn causes hemorrhoids (bulging veins in the rectum or anus).
Hemorrhoids can also develop during the second stage of labor due to the intense pushing involved in the birthing process. This condition may also become aggravated when constipated, which tends to occur more often during pregnancy. Symptoms of hemorrhoids, when pregnant, are usually two-fold – the discomfort can range from merely itchy to severely painful.
If you are pregnant and have hemorrhoids, consult your doctor. He or she may be able to provide hemorrhoid prevention techniques.
They may be embarrassing to talk about, but they are more common than one might think. And just about any woman who's given birth knows what they're all about. They are hemorrhoids, and they are a real pain in the rear.
What exactly are hemorrhoids? The journey begins in the large intestine, where the lowest part of the colon becomes the rectum and anal area. This area is lined by a thin membrane, and lying just beneath the membrane are clusters of veins collectively called hemorrhoids. For any number of reasons, these vessels may become swollen or inflamed, and when they do, they become the hemorrhoids we think of in those somewhat embarrassing commercials. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
Most cases of hemorrhoids can be self-treated with over-the-counter remedies. If, however, the problem persists or bothers you to a point that your normal daily activities are affected, seek medical attention. Treatment options exist that can alleviate the problem rather quickly so you no longer have to suffer, as the commercials say, "the embarrassing pain and itching of hemorrhoids."
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