Abdominal Pain Relief Tips
Read these 5 Abdominal Pain Relief Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pain Relief tips and hundreds of other topics.
What is an aneurysm?
An aneurysm is an abnormal sac-like bulge which occurs in the wall of an artery. In the case of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal pain will surface as a result of a mass in the abdomen. Most often, this mass will cause abdominal pain symptoms that tend to have several distinct qualities. They:
- Are severe and throbbing
- Are sudden yet persistent
- Will sometimes radiate to other parts of body, including groin, buttocks, or legs
- Do not occur spasmodically
This condition also tends to be accompanied by symptoms of abdominal pulsation, back pain, fatigue, and thirst. Aneurysms develop over a length of time, though often lacking any symptoms at all while they develop. When the aneurysm expands and tears open, blood leaks along the artery wall causing abdominal pain symptoms to occur suddenly.
If you are displaying abdominal pain symptoms or any of the other symptoms listed, and suspect that you may be experiencing an aortic aneurysm, please contact a doctor to secure your suspicions.
What signs and symptoms should I look for to indicate I need to seek medical attention for my abdominal pain?
There are so many types of abdominal pain, how do you know when the problem warrants medical intervention? Some might say "You just know." Others might stick to a very specific list of signs and symptoms before picking up the phone. It's different for everyone and you may think you know your body well enough to tell when something just ain't right. See a physician if:
- The pain becomes harsh, recurrent, persists or gets more intense
- You can't eat because of the pain
- The pain is accompanied by high fever or chills
Even more importantly, seek emergency assistance if:
- You have pain plus shorter breaths, dizziness, bleeding, vomiting or high fever
- The pain is sudden and severe
- The pain pulses to your chest or neck
- You vomit blood
- You notice blood in your urine
- You have bloody or black stool
- Your abdomen is swollen or tender
While the majority of abdominal pain is due to a simple cause and passes over time, some symptoms indicate a more urgent problem while others mimic something else entirely. Abdominal pain can be crafty and elusive. Listen to your body and if in doubt, seek medical attention.
What does "abdominal pain" refer to and what could be the cause?
Abdominal pain refers to pain or discomfort in the area extending from the rib cage to the pelvis, also known as the abdominal cavity. The organs housed within this cavity may be the source of the pain, and they include the:
- Stomach
- Small intestine
- Large intestine or colon
- Liver
- Spleen
- Gallbladder
- Appendix
- Pancreas
- Female reproductive organs
Abdominal pain causes can range from a simple stomach upset to a life-threatening vascular rupture. Typically, however, abdominal pain results from a problem in or around one of the abdominal organs, irritation or hypersensitivity of the wall or muscles of the abdominal cavity, or a disruption or dysfunction of a vessel supplying an intra-abdominal structure. Achieving abdominal pain relief hinges on knowing what structure is involved and choosing the appropriate course of action to deal with it. The easiest course of action may be an over-the-counter form of relief, or possibly a tried and true family remedy. If that doesn't help, consult with your physician. Prescription medication may be the best way of treating abdominal pain in this case, or further medical testing could be indicated.
What is Abdominal Rigidity?
Abdominal rigidity often occurs naturally in some people. Abdominal rigidity refers to stiffness of the muscles in the stomach area, causing abdominal pain and strange sensations when pressed or even just touched. You may have a problem if this sensitivity or pain occurs involuntarily.
When accompanied by abdominal pain or occurring on a single side, abdominal rigidity may indicate a more serious physical condition. A sore area in the abdomen may cause muscles to tense, which in turn, creates abdominal rigidity – one of the most prevalent causes of abdominal pain. Possible conditions that cause abdominal rigidity include:
- Abdominal injury
- Acute appendicitis
- Peritonitis
- Cholecystitis
Do not attempt to resolve problems with abdominal rigidity alone. Abdominal rigidity accompanied by abdominal pain suggests something more serious, which also merits immediate medical attention. If you think you are experiencing involuntary abdominal rigidity, please contact Get the help you need. Use the MyBlankHurts.com free clinician finder to locate a clinician in your area.
What distinguishes appendicitis from other abdominal pains?
Usually, one of the first symptoms of appendicitis is abdominal pain. Since appendicitis causes abdominal pain, it is not uncommon for patients to prediagnose themselves at the first signs of any symptoms. However, abdominal pain is also an indication of many other conditions and diseases. Abdominal pain causes can be associated with problems ranging from simple gas to a complicated condition. Still, it's important to be able to differentiate between the various types of pain.
- Location. Appendicitis-related pains start in the naval area, then progress into the lower-right portion of the abdomen.
- Sharpness. Appendicitis pain is normally more severe than regular abdominal pain, mostly because of the increased severity of the condition. These pains are so extreme, in fact, that many believe they can only be compared to abdominal pain during pregnancy.
- Relief. If you've been trying to cure your pain without relief, there is a high possibility that your pain is related to appendicitis. Pain killers, and other over-the-counter remedies cannot operate as a cure for appendicitis.
- Other Symptoms. The abdominal pain of appendicitis is also accompanied by other symptoms including fever, nausea, constipation, and diarrhea.
If you are experiencing any sort of abdominal pain, consult with a clinician to make sure it's nothing serious.